Company Profile
Company Profile
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  Shenzhen Bamboo Bio-tech Co,LTDis wordwide keading supplier which is traded  for the Pharmaceutical Standards, Chemical environment Standard and High-level Reagents.


  Since found, we always focus on the business target of customer orientation,and develop to be many Chinese exclusive of High-leves standards,There are more than 100000 organic and inorganic standards or reagents could be provided by us,which is included the Phamaceutical Company, Researching Instiute,Inspection Organization and the Laboratory of factory, we can provide the quality consultant serivice as well as,In one word,we are powerful.


 We distribute more than 20 foreign standards,References and High-end Chemical Reagents, which includes the brands of LGC, TRC, USP, and EP etc. We are reliable


  We will build the self-researching laboratory and develop the foreign trade so that the business range is increasing to East Asian, the North American and the African etc. We are relentless.   



ShenZhen Jianbamboo Biotechnology Co. Ltd  © Copyright 2024 all rights reserved
Address: China Lucky Lu Feng, Longgang District, Block A 2310,2311 Pro ZIP: 518000 WEB Support:YIQ
TEL: +86-755-89218889
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